Ace director Puri Jagan is keeping it low profile ever since the film Liger flopped big time at the box office. His production partner Charmme Kaur also took a break from social media after some distributors started forcing them to give back the money that was lost in the Liger distribution gamble. But then, here comes an interesting talk about these two.
Even though the maker of films like Pokiri and Temper is getting ready to direct Ram Pothineni in his next, which will be a sequel to Ismart Shankar, he is getting other big offers too. Reports are doing that Megastar’s Konidela Productions has offered a chance to Puri Jagan to direct a movie but offered him only a hefty remuneration for the job. However, Puri and Charmme are said to have rejected it smoothly as they wanted to produce the film themselves rather than working for a fee to direct the film. This is a highlight business plan we have to say.
Under current circumstances, producers might offer Puri Jagan a fee of ₹20-30 crores to carve a film, but if he produces the film himself, there are chances that it will fetch double than that even if the film flops in the box office. For that reason, Puri wants to continue his direction only under his production, but won’t be directing films for others.